Meet Our Elders

Name: John Wolf, Head of the Elder Board

Fun Facts: John is Arius Wolf's brother. His best qualities are his fierce loyalty and workmanlike approach to getting things accomplished. His relationship with his brother, Arius, are tumultuous just like any sibling relationship can be, but this keeps us on our toes around here at Amatheis.

Name: Dr. Frank Rizzo, Elder

Fun Facts: The other elders like to refer to Frank as "the brains of the operation." He loves theology (writing, speaking, reading) and is an invaluable voice into church decisions from the standpoint of biblical knowledge. Dr. Rizzo got his D.Min. from Harvard Divinity School. His dissertation, successfully defended, was Dynamic Monarchianism: Why Theodotus & Sabellius Were Right and Need a Fresh Audience Today.

Name: Jessica Beth Evans, Elder

Fun Facts: Jessie-Beth is the elder who has been with us the longest (apart from the Wolfs). She also holds two masters degrees -- one in pastoral ministry and one in biblical counseling. She brings a fresh perspective to the elder team and has shown incredible gifts in the public preaching of God's Word from the pulpit. Everyone agrees that she may be the most gifted preacher at Amatheis. We praise God for her choosing to exercise her God-given gifts here with us!

Name: Marc Zuckerstein, Elder

Fun Facts: If the elder board had a CEO, Marc would be it! He spent 25 years in the business world (corporate marketing and SEO) and still runs his own consultation business from his home office. He's not the most outgoing guy, so you're more likely to find him pouring over church spreadsheets than you are to see him counseling or shepherding a member, but this is why God gives us different people with different gifts! Amen!? He's also "not a very good teacher" (he said it first, but we've affirmed his self-awareness), so don't be surprised if you never see him behind the pulpit. You can know that he's doing tons of work behind the scenes, though!